News - Media and Press
Press articles and TV & radio
broadcasts about alledged PSOCA patent infringement by Standard
Bank and MTN >>
Press articles
and TV broadcasts about the Tsunami
Alarm System >>
Media and the
press are reports about the ARP
Guard and VoIP >>
3MFuture -
media and press releases
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Bank and MTN sued in R 1bn lawcase for patent infringement
Press articles and TV & radio broadcasts
about alledged PSOCA patent infringement by Standard
Bank and MTN >>
Product Launch - Tsunami Alarm System
The first global
Tsunami Alarm System for mobile phones has been introduced to
the public. More on the tsunami
alarm system >>
TV and press
about the Tsunami Alarm
System for mobile phones >>
Visit the Tsunami
Alarm System for mobile phones >>

- Social Networking Site for Women launched
The worldwide
first social
networking site for woman is now launched. Semiranet is built
on 3MFuture's plattform relenet
- a generic plattform to reliably operate social
networking sites or relationship networking sites.
Visit the social
networking site for women semiranet

of Friedrichshafen launches "Bürger-treffen-Bürger"
The municipality
of Friedrichshafen, Germany, lauches a citizens-meet-citizens
service. It will help to stimulate meetings and friendships
amongst the people of the town. More on the citizens-meet-citizens
plattform >>
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